Have a face / face white and clean would be the desire of every person, especially the women. By having a white face and clean, they will feel more confident, and certainly more pleasing to the eye. For the teens, if you have a radiant face would also be easier to get agan girlfriend. But sometimes pimples appear on your face to make the face so clean. Therefore, this time Klu IC will provide tips on caring face so white and clean.
Here are some tips and natural ways that you can try at home to care for the face so white and clean:
1. Clean up face / your face before bed. Because the bacteria are believed to cause a dull face growing rapidly while you sleep. Therefore you should wash your face with warm water just before you sleep.
2. Use natural mask you can make from mashed yam as yam can whiten your face.
3. Wash your face after activity, because after the activity is usually the germs will stick to your skin.
4. Apply moisturizer to protect skin from the sun, because UV rays from the sun can cause skin burns if exposed too often.
5. Diligent in taking vitamin E. Vitamin E is a vitamin that is able to maintain healthy skin from the inside. Vitamin E itself can be obtained from the fruit of a natural or supplements that you can buy at the drugstore.
6. Specifically for those who often drive a motorbike, frequently clean your face / face you because grime can make your face become dull.
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